2259 E. Rte. 52

PO Box 156

Serena, IL 60549

Mission: Celebrate and share the gift of God's love.

The existing Union Church was changed to the Serena Methodist Church in 1939. To accommodate the growing number of families, the church added additions in 1955 and 1961. Fire destroyed the 121-year-old sanctuary in 1991. It was rebuilt within a year and continues to serve God in the community. 

They are located at 2259 E. Rte. 52 in Serena, Illinois.  Worship is at 8:30 on Sunday mornings.  

The Serena United Methodist Church extends their welcome to their Sunday morning service.

If you are not currently a member, please join us!  Feel free to reach out to our pastor or church for any needs you may have.  

We hope you and your family will have a warm and spirit-filled experience with us as we worship and fellowship together through our services, events, and ministries.

Many Blessings to you,

Serena United Methodist Church